
Wednesday, October 23, 2013

My Current Obsession with Robots

I think I'm going bonkers for 'bots. It started last year about this time when I was asked to make an art piece for Green Star on the Go annual auction and KrE 8; the can-crushing-robot-recycler was born. Since then, I've been contemplating other ways to use robots in my artistic world.

I grew up with the Jestons, R2D2 and Rock'em Sock'em robots. By today's standards, these are quaint ideas of what is truly available with technology. Laughable even - my iPhone is more advanced than all of those archaic robots put together! But the charm of dials, buttons and metal has entranced me.

We added a robot element to the new MechanicKs exhibit at Kaleidoscape on Ocotber 8th. It is complete with buttons to push, lights that flash and 'bots to build... and still, I find myself craving even more.

It's not even what the robot can DO, it's more about the visual appeal. My Pinterest feed is filled with DIY projects of all sorts! With Halloween looming and several places to be in costume, I feel as though I MUST BE A ROBOT! Supplies are compiling, designs coming together.           
 I. will. be. a. mom. bot. 
(Waaaaayy different than a fem-bot for those in the know.) 


Monday, October 21, 2013

Play is without age, ability, shade, size, shape or screen.

One of the most heart wrenching things I see is when a parent tells a child, "You can't do that, you are too <insert here> old/young/smart/little/big/slow/fast/green/anything for that." Too old? to play? I say NEVER! At what age does a person become too old to participate in play?
Is it something that we choose to leave behind or does it become stifled? I choose to champion play! Everyone should laugh and be silly and do a maze, to be delighted by the unexpected, to twirl and spin. It is our position that the random collision of these five elements IS play: Creating, Performing & Building, Experiencing & Imagining. When this happens... it is magical.

Play is for All Manifesto
Play is without age, ability, shade, size, shape or screen.

Create without worry of what your final project will be.
Perform... the world IS a stage.
Build and rebuild when your tower topples.
Experience new things; let your senses lead you to playfulness.
Imagine. Oh my stars... imagine a new world, a new way of being.
Embrace your silly side. Release your inner goof-ball.
Do these things in your own way.

Kaleidoscape Play Studio is on a mission to promote play for all!