May 5-9 marks "Teacher Appreciation Week," which made me realize that I do not often enough say thank you to all the teachers in my children's lives. Whether your children are homeschooled, preschool age, or out of the house, I am guessing that they have, at some point, been blessed by a teacher. If you are home with young children or homeschooling, YOU are their earliest teacher, passing on The Really Important Things such as please and thank you, ABCs, and that boogers belong in tissues. So, consider yourself thanked as well--for doing all the hard work, from the very beginning.
If, like me, you do not have time to make a cute or elaborate thank you gift from Pinterest, here are some other simple options for affirming the teachers in your life:
- Drop off a latte when you drop your kids off to school. If you're really feeling creative, write "Thanks a latte for all you do."- Write a thank you email or note. Affirming words are powerful and will long be remembered.
- Say thank you. In person. Add a genuine hug, if you are the hugging type.
- Have your child write a note or color a picture of thanks.
- Hang a "Gratitude Graffiti" poster outside the teacher's classroom. Ask the children to write a note of appreciation.
- Send them the words below. Acknowledgement and recognition, even in the simplest forms, go a long way.
For Our Children's Teachers
For your endless prep times, weekend grading, summer planning, and all you do that is above-and-beyond...
we recognize you.
For dealing with budget cuts, bureaucracy, administration, curriculum changes, standardized testing, and all other similar issues that most likely suck up your time and mental energy....
we acknowledge you.
For knowing our children so well that you recognize their learning styles, personalities and strengths, and for teaching them accordingly,
we thank you.
For reinforcing what we teach at home by teaching our children not only facts, but also wisdom, social skills, empathy, and that the world does not revolve around them....
we are so grateful.
For caring for hundreds of children over the years, and in so doing, building up our future electricians, doctors, pastors, social workers, teachers, and citizens...
we applaud you.
For the many moments that you wonder if what you do matters or makes any difference, and for pouring yourself into these many children's lives with little recognition, pay, or acknowledgement...
we give you a standing ovation.
We see you, we appreciate you, and we value you, even when we forget to tell you.
For you have blessed our children and there is no greater gift.
What are your simple or creative ideas of showing gratitude to teachers? Please share!
love this Jenn!!!!