There are a lot of ways to show your family that you love them and celebrating the little things is one of those ways. We try to give you assistance here on the blog-o-rama to do that.
Okay, so, let's serve up silliness for the week of December 3 - December 9th!
December 4th is an fun day!
Santa's List Day AND Wear Brown Shoes Day. Well, well, well!
Regardless of your thoughts on using the Naughty List to bring on better behavior, some days just call for an emergency "Santa probably wouldn't care for that" reminder! Here is a great tool you can use or not...
As for brown shoes.. you are on your own... but fortunately, you still have tomorrow to pick up a pair if you need!
December 5th is Bathtub Party Day
This is bound to be a hit for your kids, so consider carefully. Will you do bubbles, make faux-hawks with shampoo, create bathtub paints with this recipe from
Pepper Paints or... fill the tub with as many rubber duckies as you can find!
December 6th is Mitten Tree Day
Odd? Yes. But... consier the book
The Mitten Tree by Candace Christiansen about a lady who sews mittens for kids who don't have them. She leaves them on a tree and donates them anonymously to those in need until she runs out of yarn.
Hmmm.... do I feel a mitten giving mission coming on?
December 7th is Letter Writing Day
We double dog dare you to actually WRITE a letter and mail it today. <3 Sure... it can be to Santa.
December 8th is National Brownie Day
Hooray!!!! What a GREAT day!!!
Whether you make them with the kids, or they get made in secret, the key here is to EAT them!
And just so we are all on the same page...
no one really cares if you make 'em from a box.
December 9th is Christmas Card Day, so we are thinking... this is a pretty great day to send 'em out if you haven't already! Here is ours! Merry Christmas to your family from ours. <3